Are You Ready to Connect to the sound of your soul?

My name is Cytel (like recital without the 're' 😉). As a vocal intuitive and light filled astrologer, I am here to connect you to the power and frequency of your voice.

I take men and women on a journey to discover and hear the sound of their souls so they can express who they are, what they want, and where they're going with resounding confidence. Come experience the sound of your soul with me!

Available Products

Soul Sound Assessment

Your voice holds the power to create the life you want.  It holds the power to impact the lives of thousands.  Your voice is the doorway to your soul.  Let's unlock those doors so that you can unleash the power within you. 

Movement in Music Cards

Music is a powerful force in our lives.  It touches every part of our soul, our hearts, minds, spirits, and our body.  These cards are designed to help you use music more intentionally in your life.

The Sound of Money

Our desires reside at specific vibrations and those vibrations create sound, including the sound of money.  This class will connect you to YOUR sound of money. 

Armor of God Understanding and Expressing YOUR armor

Sharing our soul is a very vulnerable thing and that deserves protection.  There is no better protection than God's armor and that armor is personalized for you!  This class will help you connect to and love your personalized armor.

Tuning into your Business

Do you know EXACTLY what your business does?  Could you describe it in 3 simple words?  In this class, through your natal chart, I will connect you to the frequency of your business, the thing that your business is bringing to you and your clients.

Divine Lunar Guide

The Divine Lunar Guide is a powerful tool that brings you into harmony with God, yourself, and your business, so you can set yourself up for ultimate success through powerful partnership with God.  Every month, God provides a roadmap for you to live by and work by each month.  As you connect to this roadmap you will have greater clarity, power, and peace in each step and stage of your business.

My Products Available Products
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